上網時間: 2009年05月13日
關鍵字: Android作業系統 智慧手機 iPhone
市場研究機構Strategy Analytics預測,在行動通訊服務業者、手機供應商與開發商的大力支持之下,2009年採用Android作業系統的智慧手機出貨量將取得900%的高成長率;至於Apple的iPhone OS則將是09年另一個成長最快的智慧手機作業系統,成長率可達79%。
在上個月,一項針對EETimes歐洲版讀者所作的調查顯示,儘管iPhone在市場當紅,Google的Android作業系統與平台也衝上了智慧手機市場的領導地位。有30%參與調查的讀者表示,Android將成為智慧手機市場的領袖;而現歸Nokia的Symbian與Linux Mobile兩個作業系統加起來所獲得的票數僅佔21%。
Strategy Analytics資深分析師Tom Kang表示:「Google的Android手機作業系統在2008下半年是在美國市場獲得初期採用,並在2009年在歐洲與亞洲逐步擴展市場版圖。由於該作業系統的起步門檻比較低,因此成長速度也超越Apple的iPhone作業系統。」該機構預期Android作業系統09年成長率可達900%,但iPhone OS成長率則為79%。
Strategy Analytics總監Neil Mawston補充指出:「由於具備較低成本的授權模式、開放式架構,以及來自Google的雲端服務作為後盾,Android吸引了包括HTC、 Motorola、Samsung、T-Mobile、Vodafone等眾多廠商的支持;Android已經取得了在接下來2~3年內成為一線智慧手機作業系統的優勢地位。」
(參考原文:Android phone shipments seen growing 900% in '09,by John Walko)
Android phone shipments seen growing 900% in '09
John Walko
EE Times Europe
05/11/2009 11:36 AM
LONDON — Shipments of smartphones running on the Android operating system will grow 900 percent in 2009, with strong support from operators, vendors and developers driving the uptake, according to market research group Strategy Analytics.
Apple iPhone OS will be the next fastest-growing smartphone operating system in 2009, with a 79 percent growth rate.
Last month, an EE Times Europe readers' poll indicated that, despite the current popularity of Apple's iPhone, Google with its Android operating system and platform is set to take the leading position in the smartphone market.
Some 30 percent of the poll said that Android would come to lead the smartphone market. The Symbian OS, now a creature of leading handset maker Nokia, and the Linux Mobile OS came in joint second place with 21 percent of the vote.
Tom Kang, Senior Analyst at Strategy Analytics (Milton Keynes, England and Boston, MA), said: 'The Android mobile operating system from Google gained early traction in the U.S. in the second half of 2008 and it is gradually spreading its presence into Europe and Asia during 2009. Android is expanding from a low base and it is consequently outgrowing the iPhone OS from Apple, which we estimate will grow at a relatively lower 79 percent annually in 2009."
Neil Mawston, Director at Strategy Analytics, added: "A relatively low-cost licensing model, its semi-open-source structure and Google's support for cloud services have encouraged companies such as HTC, Motorola, Samsung, T Mobile, Vodafone and others to support the Android operating system. Android is now in a good position to become a top-tier player in smartphones over the next two to three years."